Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..Assalamualaikum wbt 
Today, we have learned about Protein Data Bank. Protein Data Bank is a repository for 3-D biological macromolecular structure.It includes proteins, nucleic acids and viruses. PDB obtained by X-Ray crystallography (80%) or NMR spectroscopy (16%) and submitted by biologists and biochemists from around the world.  For more details about this click on the link here. PDB can be opened using RasMol software. You can easily download this software from your browser. To download, click here.
There are 4 types of Protease that had been assigned to us.

The first one is ClpP:

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ClpP, the proteolytic component of the ATP-dependent ClpAP and ClpXP chaperone/protease complexes, has 14 identical subunits organized in two stacked heptameric rings.
The second one is DegP:

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The heat-shock protein DegP is a protein quality control factor in the bacterial envelope that is involved in eliminating misfolded proteins and in the biogenesis of outer-membrane proteins.

The third one is Thermolysin:

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Thermolysin is a thermostable metalloproteinase. The high digestion temperatures may be used as an alternative to denaturants to improve digestion of proteolytically resistant proteins. Thermolysin preferentially cleaves at the N-terminus of the hydrophobic residues leucine, phenylalanine, valine, isoleucine, alanine and methionine. The optimal digestion temperature range is 65–85°C. Thermolysin activity is optimal at pH 5.0–8.5.

Last one is Trypsin:

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The X-ray structure of a variant of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) has been analyzed to determine the structural accommodation resulting from removal of a disulfide cross-link in a protein.

.That's All.Enjoy.Have A Nice Day.


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this blog stand by three biotechnologists to-be... the three of us are hidayatul athirah, ainun sabihah and amni nadhirah..we choose the 'el tigres' because our blog's name is panthera is the scientific name for tiger.